Computer wierdness.

RS games weirdness

I’m going to talk about a few things here. First, RS games broke extremely badly when I was on Uno. I pressed enter on join game, and there was one game, but showing things it shouldn’t. There were several recyclables, actual players which is fine, but the thing that really made me laugh was the fact that there were a few game objects there. There was a 1000 miles game, the odd uno game here and there and a board of some kind. The second thing happened more recently. I was playing a game with someone and they got disconnected. RS games thendecided to glitch in such a way that it kept announcing it is playername’s turn over and over until they reconnected. The third thing happened today. I was typing a PM to someone, and I pressed something that somehow reversed my left and right arrow keys on the game, so left arrow was taking me right and right arrow was taking me left back through the message. Thankfully a quick task manager and termination of the process fixed that one.

3 replies on “RS games weirdness”

Strange, never had those things happen. The only thing I ever had happen with RSGames was it freezing.

same. That’s some weird stuff going on with that game xd. I’ve never seen it do that before for me, its worked just fine

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